Gala Entry Instructions

Gala Entry Instructions via UASC Calendar.

  1. Go to “Calendar” using the Menu bar, select the gala you want to enter, each external gala will have a “Click Here to Enter” button (1.1) this button will open the gala entry form.
  1. Fill out the gala entry form with all the required Information i.e. PBs for Events you want to enter complete the rest of the form and press submit.  PBs can be seen here Boys  / Girls
  1. A copy of the form will be emailed you and our gala entry secretary. Each submission will have a entry reference number.

Please ensure you write the reference number from the entry email along with the meet name and your swimmers name on the back of the cheque / payment envelope before handing the payment to Caroline Huntington, Sandy or Juliet.

If You need help with regard to online entry please contact me (Gary) via email on or via Phone on 07762 788459