Privacy Policy

Ulverston Amateur Swimming Club Privacy Policypage1image1005863600

Ulverston Amateur Swimming Club training at Ulverston Leisure Centre, Priory Road, Ulverston, LA12 9HT Committee Officers responsible for data:

Website Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary, Gala Entries Secretary, SwimMark Coordinator


We are committed to ensuring that any personal data we hold about you and your child is protected in accordance with data protection laws and is used in line with your expectations.

This privacy notice explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it and how we protect it.

What personal data do we collect?

We collect personal data about you and your child to register members with our National Governing Body Swim England so that their Personal Best times can be registered nationally, so that they are covered by Swim England’s insurance and so that we can ensure that anyone having a duty of care for your child in the course of their swimming is aware of any medical requirements or limitations.

Personal details that we collect about a swimmer include:
The swimmer’s name, gender, date of birth, address and health and medical needs. We will also ask for information about who has parental responsibility for your child.

Personal details that we collect about you include:
your name, home address, email address, phone numbers, and emergency contact details. If you are a

volunteer at the Club we will also hold information about relevant qualifications that you have achieved and your DBS number and status.

Why we collect this information and the legal basis for handling your data

We use personal data about you and your child in order to provide swimming training and competitions for you/your child. This includes using your data to:

  • contact you in case of an emergency by phone or email
  • Manage any special educational, health or medical needs of your child whilst at our training venue or at a swimming gala or training session at another venue.
  • Carry out regular assessment of your child’s progress and to identify any areas of concern
  • Maintain contact by email with you about swimming training, competitions, opportunities, events and fundraising for our Club.
  • Notify you by email of Annual or Special General Meetings as required by our constitution
  • Notify you by email about payments due.
  • If you are a volunteer with the Club, to ensure that your DBS status is up to date and to offer continued training as required.

With your consent, we may also record your child’s training or competitions using photographs and videos. You will have the opportunity to withdraw your consent at any time, for images taken by confirming so in writing.

We have a legal obligation to process safeguarding related data about your child should we have concerns about their welfare.
The legal basis for holding this data is your consent when your swimmer and/or you complete the initial membership form for the Club.

When you visit our website we may collect the following information:

  • Which pages you view and which links you follow
  • Your IP address and general location
  • Details of the hardware and software that you are using to access the site
  • Any passwords that you use on our website
  • If you choose to log in using a third party, we will record your login provider
  • A device identifier (cookie or IP address) for fraud prevention
  • Details of your visits to our website and the resources that you access, including, but not limited to, toolkits, weblogs and other communication data

Who we share your data with

In order for you/your child to train and compete we will also share your data as required with the following categories of recipients:

Swim England to register you/your swimmer as a member of the National Governing Body.

Banking (card transaction) services to process credit/debit card, chip and pin and/or direct debit payments (as applicable).

Other swimming clubs, Swim England North West Region and Swim England Cumbria to enter you/your swimmer into galas or training clinics.

Swim England to upload your child’s swimming times to the national Rankings.

We require you to share your data with the Disclosure and Barring Service if you are a volunteer with the Club and are in direct contact with children.

Our Accountants for the purposes of annual audit. We will also share your data if:

  • We are legally required to do so, for example, by law, by a court or the Charity Commission;
  • to protect your child and other children; for example by sharing information with social care or the police
  • it is necessary to protect our or others rights, property or safety

We will never share your data with any other organisation to use for their own purposes.

How do we protect your data?

We protect unauthorised access to your personal data and prevent it from being lost, accidentally destroyed, misused, or disclosed by:
Data is stored on the Secretary’s laptop, the Membership Secretary’s laptop and the Web Coordinator’s laptop and the Treasurer’s, Gala Entry Secretary’s and SwimMark Coordinator’s personal home computers which are password protected.

Access is password protected and data held is restricted to that essential to ensure the smooth running of the club. Paper membership forms are held securely by the Membership Secretary. Audited accounts are retained for 7 years in the locked cupboard at the pool.

How long do we retain your data?

We will retain your/your child’s personal data for up to 1 year after you/your child leaves the Club, or until our next annual membership renewal after you/your child leaves the Club. We will maintain historical records of swimmers’ times and results indefinitely unless you request us to remove them.

In some instances (child protection, or other support service referrals) we are obliged to keep your data for longer if it is necessary to comply with legal requirements.

Your rights with respect to your data

You have the right to:

  • request access, amend or correct your/your child’s personal data
  • request that we delete or stop processing your/your child’s personal data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing; and request that we transfer your, and your child’s personal data to another person

If you wish to exercise any of these rights at any time or if you have any questions, comments or concerns about this privacy notice, or how we handle your data please contact us. If you continue to have concerns about the way your data is handled and remain dissatisfied after raising your concern with us, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or

Contact for Data Protection: Secretary: Changes to this notice

We keep this notice under regular review. You will be notified of any changes where appropriate.

Whilst this privacy notice sets out a general summary of your legal rights in respect of personal information, this is a very complex area of law.

More information about your legal rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website at

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Revision 2: 5th April 2021